
Thursday, March 9, 2017

3 Aligned Towers Discovered On Mars

Located in the area of Terra Meridiani, researchers have spotted three ‘Towers’ on the Martian Surface that are so perfectly aligned, that just as the Pyramids of Giza on Earth, these Martian towers seem to mimic the constellation of Orion.
The towers are located in the Terra Meridiani region on Mars, coincidentally, the same region chosen as the landing spot for NASA’s Curiosity Rover.
The towers were first noted by YouTube channel Mundodesconocido. The Youtube channel posted a video discussing the towers.

The video description read:
"Investigating on some Mars images, we have recently found a row of huge towers located in the Martian area of Terra Meridiani. Due to their peculiar features, we believe that they have an artificial origin. In the following video, we will show you all the amazing information, evidences as well as animated 3D models that will allow you to evaluate correctly the information we propose."
3D rendering of the Martian structures. Image Credit Mundo Desconocido.