Showing posts with label Tarot Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tarot Cards. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Japan’s first-ever Tarot Card Museum in Tokyo

Tarot cards are becoming popular in Japan and that popularity brings us to the brand new Tokyo Tarot Museum that just opened in Tokyo’s Taito Ward. 

Run by Nichiyu, the first Japanese company to sell tarot cards in Japan, it’s the first-ever tarot museum in Japan.

Nichiyu has been importing tarot cards to Japan since 1974 and has continuously been a major part of the industry ever since. 

For the last 20 years, they’ve hosted regular exhibition and sale fairs at bookstores all across the country, but in order to give people even more access and opportunities to explore tarot cars they decided to open a tarot museum.

The Tokyo Tarot Museum focuses on exhibiting rare and unusual tarot cards, which were drawn from Nichiyu’s collection of over 3,000 cards. The museum will also put on a continuous display of 500 out-of-print, hard-to-find cards, which will also be for sale.

The museum plans to host workshops and lectures featuring professionals from the tarot world, tarot reading services, tarot card art exhibits, unveilings of new work by artists, 

The Tokyo Tarot Museum is located in the Yanagibashi neighborhood of Tokyo, which has been known as a fortune teller area since the mid-Edo period, and which was once one of Tokyo’s geisha districts. 

The museum is just a few minutes on foot from either JR Asakusabashi or Tokyo Metro Asakusabashi Station, so it’s easy to find. 

It operates on a reservation-only system, so before you go, make sure you book a slot on their website ahead of time. Entrance costs just 500 yen per person.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Tarot For Beginners

This is Bright, a professional Tarot reader & teacher, intuitive business coach and spiritual entrepreneur. 
She helps purpose-driven people live an intuitive life with Tarot as a guide.

So, you want to learn to read Tarot? Here are my top 12 Tarot tips to help you, dear Tarot beginner, read Tarot with confidence.
You can learn more here:  Biddy Tarot

It’s easy to get lost in the complex esoteric systems that make up the Tarot, but if you try to learn all of these systems at once, you’ll find yourself becoming quickly overwhelmed.
Instead, make a commitment to yourself to keep it simple
Stick to simple spreads, simple meanings and simple techniques. 
You’ll find your confidence grows immensely when you keep it simple.

I started learning the Tarot cards by reading dozens of Tarot books and trying to memorise the meanings. Not helpful! Not only did I forget all the meanings, I had no personal or intuitive connection with the cards.
But when I started relating on a personal level to the Tarot cards, my intuitive insights took off!
Look to your everyday life for personal examples of the Tarot cards. 
What card best describes your day today? 
What card represents your best friend? Make it personal.

Nearly every Tarot beginner book includes the Celtic Cross Tarot spread
It’s a beautiful spread, but at 10 cards, it’s not a great place to start for the Tarot beginner.
Instead, use simple 1-3 card Tarot spreads
You’ll be pleasantly surprised about how much insight you can gain from even just a 1-card readin

The best way to learn Tarot and to create a personal connection with the Tarot is to draw a card a day.
Ask the Tarot each day, “What energy do I need to focus on today?” and proactively manifest that energy throughout your day.
Or, ask the Tarot, “What might I experience today?” 
At the end of the day, match up what happened throughout the day and what you 
know of the Tarot card you drew.
Over time, your ‘bank’ of personal experiences with the Tarot will grow and grow.

One of the easiest ways to understand what a Tarot card means is to look at the picture. 
What is happening? 
Why is it happening? 
What’s the moral of the story?
Then, relate it back to what you are experiencing. 
What can the story in the card tell you about your life right now? 
What new lessons can you learn?
The best thing about this technique is that you don’t have to memorise any meanings! 
You can simply go with what you see in the picture of the card each time.
This technique is so powerful that I spend almost an entire class on it in my program, TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings.

I know – easier said than done! In fact, most Tarot beginners really struggle with knowing how and when to tune in to their intuition.
My advice? Put down the books, and simply take in the energy of the Tarot card in front of you. 
It doesn’t matter if you connect with a different meaning of the card from what the books say. 
What you are doing is connecting with your intuitive read of the card – which is often way more powerful than regurgitating book meanings!

Ignore anyone who says you can’t read Tarot for yourself. 
Tarot is such a powerful tool for personal development and self-discovery so make use of it. 
In fact, when you are starting out with reading Tarot, you are your best client!
Make time each day to do a short Tarot reading for yourself. 
You’ll learn more about the Tarot and about yourself. Bonus!

What I love about Tarot is that each and every reader has a different perspective of the Tarot cards. 
So if you’re open to learning even more about the Tarot, find a study buddy and practice reading the cards together. You’ll be able to teach one another about the Tarot, share your diverse perspectives and support each other’s growth.
We love study buddies so much that we help you find your perfect study buddy if you’re a part of my online Tarot program, TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings.

One of the easiest (and quickest) ways to learn Tarot is to learn the basic systems that underpin the cards. 
For example, if you learn what the numbers 1-9 symbolise and what the four elements represent, you’ve already got a good sense of the 40 Pip Cards (the numbered cards of the Minor Arcana).
Then, get to know the essence of the Page, Knight, Queen and King, combine it with what you know of the elements and you’ll have learned another 16 cards.
Seriously, you don’t need huge memory to master these simple systems.

Gosh, if I had a dollar every time someone asked me about the ‘rules’ of Tarot, I would be a rich woman! “Am I allowed to buy my own Tarot cards or does someone have to offer them as a gift?” “Am I allowed to read with just the Major Arcana cards?” “Should I let someone else touch my cards?

Do you know what the number 1 rule of Tarot is? There are no rules! So long as you are ethical in the way you read Tarot, you can safely ignore all those “shoulds” and “musts”!

One of the most valuable exercises a Tarot beginner can do is ask themselves the question, “How does Tarot work?”
By reflecting on this question and coming up with your own answer, you’ll have a much better sense of what the Tarot means to you and how you can use this tool in the very best way.
Now, the answer is going to differ from reader to reader – and that’s perfectly OK! 
You may see the Tarot as a predictive tool, a coaching tool, or a fun way to impress your friends.
Once you have your answer, write it out, say it out loud, or post it on your blog.Get clear about what it means to you personally. 
That’s what matters most.

One of the biggest mistakes that Tarot beginners make when reading Tarot for themselves is that they ask the same question over and over, hoping to get a better answer each time. 
Or they do a reading when they’re highly emotional or shut down to receiving truthful insight.
Instead, use the Tarot mindfully. 
Draw on the cards when you have an open mind and an open heart. 
Treat the cards (and yourself) with respect and give yourself enough time and space to truly accept the wisdom they have to offer you.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Fools Dog Tarot Cards App

First things first, we aren’t affiliated with Fools Dog or anyone else for that matter.
We don’t do commercials or attempt to persuade anyone to purchase anything.
Having said that…

If you are interested in more info Click Here

The Fool's Dog is a small software studio in Silver Spring, Maryland.
They specialize in Tarot applications for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and it's what we use when we aren't using a physical deck.

Founded in 2011, The Fool's Dog, LLC, is a partnership between husband and wife. Jason is the professional programmer, he's been programming since 1973. 
Caroline is a shamanic healer, and teaches her craft at Gryphons Grove School of Shamanism. Caroline also helps organize an annual conference on metaphysics, mysticism and magic called Sacred Space.

Again, we don’t promote or advertise products and we have no connection with The Fool's Dog.
(they most likely don't even know who we are, but we know who they are)
Because they have such top quality software, great artwork and the accuracy has been amazing, we wanted to share this with you.

Most of us in the Pagan Kitchen have The Fools Dog app on our iPhones and or iPads.

They have a great variety of decks to choose from.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Tarot Cards and Richlands Virginia

Mark Mullins is a Tarot card reader in Richlands, Virginia and he wanted to open up a business called Mountain Magic & Tarot Reading

The ACLU of Virginia has filed a federal lawsuit against the Town of Richlands in southwest Virginia for violating his free speech and religious freedom rights because he is banned from reading tarot cards as part of his business.

Mullins says town officials blocked him from opening up his business in part due to outcry from Christians in the community who didn’t want his “witchcraft” to open up some “demonic realm.”

Some said they feared for their family’s safety if the town permitted the practice to go on inside the store. Others argued the practice would open up “demonic realms” which young children would be subjected to. 

Others said they feared a failure to prevent the change would go against them on judgment day.  

“I don’t really want my children thinking that’s OK if they go in there and they get confused and don’t know what something is,” one woman said, adding, “If we open that up in this area and we’re letting people go into this, will their blood be required of our hands?”

Starting in June 2017, the town repeatedly rejected Mr. Mullins’ attempts to obtain a business license, at first they said he needed to request an amendment to the town’s zoning ordinance. When Mr. Mullins made that request, the town held a public hearing in February 2018. 

At this very vocal somewhat out of control hearing, local residents and church leaders cited biblical scripture and warned that tarot reading is “evil” and “witchcraft” that would “open things up in this area to the demonic realm.”

Speakers also told officials they would suffer spiritual consequences if they allowed fortune-telling in Richlands. The lawsuit contends the town declined to amend the zoning ordinance to permit tarot reading based on townspeople’s hostility toward the practice of tarot, discriminating against the content of Mr. Mullins’ speech.

The Town Manager suggested he open up a “bookstore” instead… but then he couldn’t advertise the Tarot readings or use the word on his storefront sign.

He eventually opened up the business as a “bookstore giftshop” and forbidden to sell Tarot readings, he offered them for free.

But that only invited more town wrath.

On October 9, 2017, then-Richlands Police Department Chief, Defendant Frank Dorton, visited Mountain Magic and wanted to know if Mr. Mullins had been offering Tarot readings. Mr. Mullins said that he had been doing Tarot readings for free. Defendant Dorton told Mr. Mullins that it was illegal to conduct Tarot readings whether free or not, and that he could be fined and/or charged with a misdemeanor if he didn’t stop immediately.

Mr. Mullins was told he could offer Tarot readings for free on the sidewalk outside the store, but not anywhere within the business.

The sidewalk readings didn’t work, and at a Town Council meeting, Christians spoke out against Mullins’ business entirely. They did it again when Mullins asked local officials to amend the zoning ordinance to permit fortune telling as an acceptable business. (The lawsuit notes that the “official minutes of the meeting omit all of these comments.”)

Mullins is now saying all of this is a violation of his First Amendment rights, a “substantial burden on religious exercise,” and a violation of the Virginia Religious Freedom Act.

It doesn’t take much to understand that what the town is doing here is illegal and ridiculous. It’s modern day Witch Trial hysterics, with a big dose of arrogant supremacy that is totally unacceptable. We wish Mullins all the best with his lawsuit and the ACLU has every reason to think they’ll win the case.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Tarot Card Confession

Read More : HERE

Tarot card reader Jayne Braiden turned over Tower card, Emperor card and the Devil card, only to see Randel-Hanson break down in tears and confess to stabbing his roommate to death.
He left his body on his kitchen floor for 10 days before walking into JJ Tarot where he asked for a reading.

The first card he picked was the blasted tower, which tarot classes teach is interpreted as meaning destruction and liberation.
It's about two people falling out,' she says. 'This is not just a door-slamming row. It's really bad news.'

The second was the Emperor, traditionally signifying leadership and creating order out of chaos.
'Here is the dominant male. The Emperor is doing really well in business and is a successful man, which wouldn't be a problem if he hadn't picked it with this.' She pulls the devil card from the pack.

'This is a dishonest card. It's trickery that signifies some weird experience — quite often drink and drugs. So it means the dominant male is using his power in a bad way. He is a bully.'
So she deduced a murder had been committed from these three cards?

As she continued explaining the cards he had chosen, she said: "The devil card means obviously something awful.

"He broke down and I said to him: 'Look I can see here that this is not good, you need to tell me everything, let's talk'.

"He said: 'It's terrible, I killed him'. He told me that he killed him but he did not mean to and it was awful."

Miss Braiden said she calmly told the murderer that she would have to tell police and asked him if he would mind, before stepping out of her shop to make the call.

He waited, the police eventually showed up, he was arrested.

After a two-week trial Mr Randel-Hanson was jailed for life with a minimum of 15 years after being convicted of murder.