Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The EU: Does God Want the UK Out?

Rev. Jonathan Campbell, of Newbuildings Independent Methodist Church says God is calling the UK out of the EU because of its paganism and he cited the Book of Revelation as a Brexit endorsement.

“Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues,” reads Revelation 18:4. In a sermon published on the evangelical Sermon Audio site, Rev. Campbell argued: “This verse can be applied to Brexit. I firmly believe that God is calling the UK out of the EU and not just calling her out, bringing her out, just as he brought Israel out of Egypt.” The pastor said God wanted Brexit because the EU was a ‘pagan’ institution. Rev. Campbell claims the statues of the Greek God Zeus and his abductee Europa outside the EU parliament buildings in both Belgium and France provided proof of this. “Located outside the parliament buildings in both Brussels and Strasbourg are statues of two pagan deities, Europa and Zeus. These statues are a blatant violation of the second commandment,” he stated.
He said the designers of the Louise Weiss building, the EU’s parliamentary seat in Strasbourg, were also inspired by a pagan and anti-Christian heritage. “The architects of the building were inspired by the amphitheatres of pagan Rome. The most famous amphitheatre of all is the colosseum in Rome,” he said. Rev. Campbell added: “Think about the colosseum. The colosseum was the site of numerous Christian martyrdoms in the early church. Men, women and children were literally thrown to the lions.” He said Christian martyrs were told they would be released from captivity if they pledged allegiance to Caesar. “But, you see, God’s word reminds us that there is only one lord and his name is not Caesar or Zeus or Europa,” he said. 

You can listen to Rev. Campbell below...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Understanding Christianity by the Church of England

The Church of England has developed a new training program called 'Understanding Christianity', for young people because they feel that classes currently do not always properly explain Christian beliefs.
The Christian activities will also include festivals and practices, with the hope the program will help schools teach on the creation, the fall, incarnation, salvation and the Gospel.

Project leader Derek Holloway says, "We're living in an age of increasingly discussion and interest in religion - which is often quite negative - and it's important that all adults are able to hold an informed conversation about religion."
"They can only do that if they have got a good understanding of what those religons teach."
"There is a great excitement when people see the resource and the potential that it has to enhance, improve and make more creative the lessons which teachers are delivering around Christianity."

This may be a response to decisions like the two-year commission, chaired by the former senior judge Baroness Butler-Sloss (photo below) and involving leading religious leaders from all faiths, calls for public life in Britain to be systematically de-Christianised.

Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, a major inquiry into the place of religion in modern society has concluded, really upsetting ministers and the Church of England.
It says that the decline of churchgoing and the growth of other faiths mean a "new settlement" is needed for religion in the UK, giving more official influence to non-religious voices and those of non-Christian faiths.

The report, by the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life, claims that faith schools are "socially divisive" and says that the selection of children on the basis of their beliefs should be eliminated.

Then there's  the compulsory daily act of worship in school assemblies should be abolished and replaced with a "time for reflection".