Showing posts with label Leg Cramps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leg Cramps. Show all posts

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Those Horrible Night Leg Cramps


Okay, first off, we haven’t tried this and have no idea if it works.
But there are many out there who believe a bar of soap is the real deal.

Have you ever experienced those excruciating leg cramps in the middle of the night?
Leg cramps usually occur because of excessive exercise or mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
There are some things you can do to ease leg cramps from happening at night. 
Some of these include massages, a warm bath or shower, drinking enough water, and eating right. 
However, there is one simple thing you can do right now that will stop restless leg syndrome and leg cramps tonight.
Put a bar of soap under your sheet!
No joke, 42% of people who suffer from leg cramps use a bar of soap to stop the problem. 


Why does it work? 
Some doctors believe that the magnesium in the soap stops the problem. 
That's because magnesium deficiency is a leading cause of leg cramps.

You can even buy bed soap if you need to...


So, there it is…you decide.