Winter Solstice
Showing posts with label Common Sage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common Sage. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

White Sage, Common Sage & Rosemary

White sage (Salvia apiana) is a plant native to high desert, and grows mostly in California.
For hundreds of years, white sage has been regarded as a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant.
The leaves of the plant are a whitish-green, and just by rubbing the fresh leaves between your thumb and forefinger you release a refreshing, cleansing scent.

Native Americans used and use White Sage to cast off evils spirits and negative energies.
White sage is used in rituals and ceremonies for protection and get rid of negative and toxic influences.

The White Sage plant is alive, it has it's own energies, offering protection, and clearing. 

Sage Smudging is a ritual where the leaves of the Sage plant are burned, and the smoke is brought into areas where clearing and protection are needed.

As the leaves are burned, the smoldering leaves smoke attaches itself to any negative energy in the area, object or being. As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage carries with it the negative energy that was once attached, back up to the Spiritual Light.

You can perform this smudging ritual on anything or anyone that needs a clearing.
You can use White Sage to help you clear a room, a building, or a property of any negativity.
White sage can assist you in releasing energies and thoughts that no longer serves you. You can use Sage to help you cleansing unknown energies from a stone, or something that you received as a gift.

Once you have lit the smudge stick and there are flames, blow them out quickly. 
Do not let it flame burn.
Once it is lit, and the flame is blown out, it will smoke.
The movement and release of the energy comes with the smoke and not with the flame.

The use of dried white sage however, is a 2,000 year old Indigenous practice. The shamans used dried sage plants on their fires as a ritual.
Any conflict, anger, illness or evil was absolved by the sage smoke, cleansed from the energy field of a person.

You can smudge whenever you feel the need to do so.
* When you move into a new residence.
* When you begin a new job or start your own business.
* Before, but especially after a visitor enters your home.
* After an argument or any illness.
* Upon returning home from crowded situations.

We've been busy harvesting our Garden Sage, our White Sage and Rosemary to make smudge sticks.

The Garden Sage Or Common Sage is a close relative of White Sage, and has many of the same beneficial properties as its cousin, White Sage. Common Sage originally comes from Europe, and its medicinal and magic uses date back to the Middle Ages. 

White Sage is the main event when it comes to smudging.
Versatile and effective, perfect for any smudging ritual—cleansing, healing, protection and meditation.

Rosemary may be a culinary herb but it's great for smudging.  It clears negativity, inspires confidence, and invigorates the mind and body.
Rosemary is an Old World herb with a long history of use in incenses and rituals.