Showing posts with label Satanic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanic. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Swiss Gotthard BaseTunnel and Paganism

The Swiss Gotthard Base Tunnel through the Swiss Alps, serving passengers from Switzerland, Italy, Germany and France took seventeen years in the making is getting criticism for being too Pagan, too Satanic.

Even though it's the longest underground rail tunnel in the world, what has the attention of some people are opening ceremonies.
Forget that this tunnel is a marvelous accomplishment, it was the Pagan demonic display that has people all upset and threatened.

This ceremony was attended by many European leaders, French President Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the President of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann. 

The complaint was the pagan and dark arts prominently and proudly displayed. "The worship of a whipping goat man, replete with moans and groans, androgynous semi — naked dancers in blatantly sexual poses, eerie music, a winged baby, rolling, frolicking haystacks (well known as “Uglies, or Hobelspanler in Swiss mythology) bells, tones, groans, mountain excavating video, Egyptian scarabs, beating drums, chains. whips, leather, fire and other hedonistic, pagan and demonic symbolism."

The hysteria just get worse somehow connecting the people who died during the construction of the rail tunnel with satanic sacrifice.
Then if the tunnel story and Paganism wasn't proof enough, the critics ask if you hadn’t noticed the surge of these themes taking over music, social media, educational materials, churches and city halls?

But really after 17 years to complete and measuring 35 miles, the the longest and most expensive tunnel ever built, the main topic of conversation is the Pagan influence.

The traditional orthodox, let's say conservative believers, claim the occult elite, the Pagan Illuminati enjoy displaying their philosophy symbolic agenda.

The Pagan Illuminati? Really, we've never been called that before, well, maybe behind our backs.

Actually, we thought the ceremony was beautiful, sorry we weren't there.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Paula White, Trump’s Spiritual Adviser, Tries To Explain Her Call For ‘Satanic’ Miscarriages

President Donald Trump’s personal spiritual advisor Paula White has tried to explain her sermon earlier this month, calling on Satanic pregnancies to miscarry.

She was not clear in her sermon whether she believed the devil himself was impregnating individuals, or whether a person’s sinful life made them “Satanic.”

In her sermon, White asked Jesus to cause certain pregnancies she described as “Satanic” to miscarry, to prevent them from carrying out “any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.”

“We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now,” she said earlier this month.

Because of the backlash to her sermon, White attempted an explanation on Twitter Sunday morning.

“I don’t normally respond but clearly this has been taken out of context. I was praying Eph 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.”

Pastor White says her words were meant to be taken metaphorically — but we don’t see how that is true, there’s no indication from her sermon that was the message she intended.

She still hasn’t explained what a “Satanic” pregnancy is, so that remains a mystery.

Ephesians 6:12 is part of a larger portion of Ephesians chapter 6, that discusses the Armor of God. But it doesn’t mention Satanic pregnancies, and only refers to the devil/Satan once, telling followers to “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes,” according to the New International Version of the Bible.