Showing posts with label Hematite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hematite. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hematite - A Travel a Companion

After 30 plus hours flying back and forth, to and from Asia the past 10 days we are so happy to let you know that Hematite was a wonderful friend.

Usually after long flights we feel washed out and pretty much useless, but this time these stones have made our travels so much easier.

We wore Hematite bracelets. (similar to the one in the photo below)

We're not saying you won't be tired after a long trip, we are saying we didn't feel trashed with jet lag.
Hematite stones absorb the vibrations of your energy and become like a close personal travel companion.
Hematite is a wonderful stone with the ability to ground you, creating a balance between the physical and the spiritual. 
A Hematite Stone is the most powerful and effective grounding gemstone for your body. 
The moment it touches your skin, you feel its grounding energy, helping you to feel balanced, calmer and more centered. It absorbs all the negative energy from your body, eliminating stress, anxiety, worry and fear. 
So the bottom line for travelers, Hematite has the ability to neutralize the tired or sluggish of jet lag.
Using hematite in your traveling gives you balance and relief from stress and tension.