Showing posts with label Satanic Temple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanic Temple. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016


David Suhor of The Satanic Temple tried to deliver a legally-sanctioned Satanic prayer at a Pensacola, Florida city council meeting on July 14. Even though he received permission from the city to represent his religion in prayer at a city meeting, and despite the fact that Christian prayers are regularly conducted at the same meetings without interruption, The Satanic Temple member had his words drowned out by Christians in attendance.

David Suhor had formally requested permission to give the prayer on behalf of The Satanic Temple at the Pensacola meeting. However, when he attempted to exercise his constitutionally-protected right to do so, he was pretty much silenced by Christians who went to the meeting to do precisely that.

Dressed in a black hooded robe, he began his legally-sanctioned prayer and out came the intolerance, pitchforks and hostility.
Many in attendance began to work in unison, loudly reciting the Lord’s Prayer in an effort to silence  the invocation.
Despite the stupid attempt to end the religious freedom of David Suhor, he continued with his prayer, refusing to back down from the religious bullies.

We either have a right to pratice our beliefs or we don't.
You don't have to agree with or like the Satanic Temple, but we respect their right to be who they are.

But the disrespectful Christian protesters brought shame upon themselves.
In the end, it was The Satanic Temple that became the spiritual voice for true religious freedom.