Summer Solstice
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

New Moon and Moon Phases

When the sun and the moon are on the same side of earth the moon is in the “New Moon” phase. During this phase the moon is invisible because the side of the moon we are seeing is not being illuminated by the sun. 

The New Moon is also called the Seed Moon. 

It is a time of sprouting and new beginnings. 

The moon phases can affect our mind, body and emotions in the following ways:

  • Body– We tend to sleep less during the new moon phase and rise early. Our appetite tends to increase and we tend to experience spurts of energy.
  • Mind– This is a time we usually experience sudden insights and develop new ideas. It is a great time to be creative and participate in writing, painting or anything else that allows the mind to be inspired.
  • Emotions– During this time it is common to feel shy and experience sensitive feelings. It is a good time to stay away from crowds and to keep the focus on the ourselves.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Moon On The Way

Where the full or waxing moon is seen as a source of positive energy, many traditions hold that the new or waning moon bears the opposite effect.

As such, the new or waning moon is thought to be a time when negative or malevolent works should be performed - a time for curses, for the darker elements and influences to be about.

Consequently, few witches or covens hold regular gatherings or celebrations under the new or waning moon.

Nonetheless, it isn't a bad idea to be aware of the timing of the waning and new moon: during the waning moon and up to the new moon, one can be wary of dark or negative influences.

The next new moon is Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 5:28 PM.