Showing posts with label Pokémon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pokémon. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Rick Wiles: Satan Using Pokémon

It appears that the worst crime in religious circles is that not everyone is Christian.
Religious liberty isn't code for Christian privilege, but it would certainly seem that way.
If it seems sinister, it must be of Satan and that brings us to pastor Rick Wiles.

Rick Wiles is certain that "these Pokémon creatures are like virtual, cyber-demons."and 
"The enemy, Satan, is targeting churches with virtual, digital, cyber-demons,” Wiles said, before adding: “I believe this thing is a magnet for demonic powers."
Wiles also says that "Pokémon masters" may soon start "telling people to kill people in those buildings." 
"They’re spawning demons inside your church," Wiles said. "They’re targeting your church with demonic activity." He then again warned that "this technology will be used by the enemies of the cross to target, locate and execute Christians."