Winter Solstice
Showing posts with label Ostara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ostara. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2024


The spring equinox marks the coming of spring and the dawn, a time of renewal, when the land is reborn from the death of winter. 
Because of this, Ostara is often seen as a time for rites symbolic rebirth.

The vernal equinox is named for the Goddess Eostre - sounds a lot like the word Easter for some reason.
Some of the traditional Easter symbols had their origins in Ostara festivities - icons such as the egg and bunnies.
Ostara is one of the Lesser Sabbats.
Ostara is celebrated at the spring / vernal equinox. 

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally
Hard boil all eggs in advance, adding a few tablespoons of vinegar to the boiling water to prepare the shell for coloring. 
To hard boil eggs without cracking them, add cold water and eggs to a pot, making sure the water covers the eggs completely. 
Bring to a boil (about 12 minutes and large eggs about 15 minutes) and then transfer to a cold water bath immediately to stop the cooking process.
Next, create the dyes.

Natural Egg Dye Recipe
1 ½ cups water
Plant material of choice (2 tablespoons spices/powders, 4 tablespoons dried leaves/flowers, or 1 cup chopped fruit/vegetable)
1 tablespoon vinegar

  • Bring water and plant material to a boil and then simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn off heat.
  • Strain dye into a jar or bowl and add vinegar or alum (compost the plant material).
  • Add a hard boiled egg to the dye bath and let sit for minutes to hours, depending on dye and desired color.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Ostara is Coming

Ostara is just one of the names applied to the celebration of the spring equinox around March 20. 
The Venerable Bede said the origin of the word is actually from Eostre, a Germanic goddess of spring. 
Of course, it's also the same time as the Christian Easter celebration, and in the Jewish faith, Passover takes place as well. 
For early Pagans in the Germanic countries, this was a time to celebrate planting and the new crop season. 
Typically, the Celtic peoples did not celebrate Ostara as a holiday, although they were in tune with the changing of the seasons.

A dynasty of Persian kings known as the Achaemenians celebrated the spring equinox with the festival of No Ruz -- which means "new day." 
It is a celebration of hope and renewal still observed today in many Persian countries, and has its roots in Zoroastrianism. 
In Iran, a festival called Chahar-Shanbeh Suri takes place right before No Ruz begins, and people purify their homes and leap over fires to welcome the 13-day celebration of No Ruz.

Spring equinox is a time for fertility and sowing seeds, and so nature's fertility goes a little crazy. 
In medieval societies in Europe, the March hare was viewed as a major fertility symbol -- this is a species of rabbit that is nocturnal most of the year, but in March when mating season begins, there are bunnies everywhere all day long. 

The female of the species is superfecund and can conceive a second litter while still pregnant with a first. As if that wasn't enough, the males tend to get frustrated when rebuffed by their mates, and bounce around erratically when discouraged.

The story of the Roman god, Mithras, is similar to the tale of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. 
Born at the winter solstice and resurrected in the spring, Mithras helped his followers ascend to the realm of light after death. 
In one legend, Mithras, who was popular amongst members of the Roman military, was ordered by the Sun to sacrifice a white bull. 
He reluctantly obeyed, but at the moment when his knife entered the creature's body, a miracle took place. The bull turned into the moon, and Mithras' cloak became the night sky. 
Where the bull's blood fell flowers grew, and stalks of grain sprouted from its tail.

In ancient Rome, the followers of Cybele believed that their goddess had a consort who was born via a virgin birth. 
His name was Attis, and he died and was resurrected each year during the time of the vernal equinox on the Julian Calendar (between March 22 and March 25). 

Around the same time, the Germanic tribes honoured a lunar goddess known as Ostara, who mated with a fertility god around this time of year, and then gave birth nine months later – at Yule.

The indigenous Mayan people in Central American have celebrated a spring equinox festival for ten centuries. 
As the sun sets on the day of the equinox on the great ceremonial pyramid, El Castillo, Mexico, its "western bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. 

The lengthening shadows appear to run from the top of the pyramid's northern staircase to the bottom, giving the illusion of a diamond-backed snake in descent." 
This has been called "The Return of the Sun Serpent" since ancient times.

According to the Venerable Bede, Eostre was the Saxon version of the Germanic goddess Ostara. 
Her feast day was held on the full moon following the vernal equinox -- almost the identical calculation as for the Christian Easter in the west. 

There is very little documented evidence to prove this, but one popular legend is that Eostre found a bird, wounded, on the ground late in winter. 
To save its life, she transformed it into a hare.
But "the transformation was not a complete one. 
The bird took the appearance of a hare but retained the ability to lay eggs...the hare would decorate these eggs and leave them as gifts to Eostre."

This is a good time of year to start your seedlings. 
If you grow an herb garden, start getting the soil ready for late spring plantings. 
Celebrate the balance of light and dark as the sun begins to tip the scales, and the return of new growth is near.

We celebrate Ostara as a time of renewal and rebirth. 
Take some time to celebrate the new life that surrounds you in nature -- walk in park, lay in the grass, hike through a forest. 
As you do so, observe all the new things beginning around you -- plants, flowers, insects, birds. Meditate upon the ever-moving Wheel of the Year, and celebrate the change of seasons.

Thanks to paganesque for the article.

For our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, we wish you a happy Beltane.
Every season has its own energy. 
When you work in harmony with that energy, you increase the power of your celebration. 
Working in contrast to it, naturally, decreases the flow.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Up Next - Ostara The Spring Equinox

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

Hard boil all eggs in advance, adding a few tablespoons of vinegar to the boiling water to prepare the shell for coloring. 

To hard boil eggs without cracking them, add cold water and eggs to a pot, making sure the water covers the eggs completely. Bring to a boil (about 12 minutes and large eggs about 15 minutes) and then transfer to a cold water bath immediately to stop the cooking process.

Next, create the dyes.

Natural Egg Dye Recipe


1 ½ cups water

Plant material of choice (2 tablespoons spices/powders, 4 tablespoons dried leaves/flowers, or 1 cup chopped fruit/vegetable)

1 tablespoon vinegar


  • Bring water and plant material to a boil and then simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn off heat.
  • Strain dye into a jar or bowl and add vinegar or alum (compost the plant material).
  • Add a hard boiled egg to the dye bath and let sit for minutes to hours, depending on dye and desired color.