Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Christian TV Host: Hillary Clinton May Have Murdered Kobe Bryant with Witchcraft

Christian commentator Chris McDonald has a theory suggesting Hillary Clinton made a deal with the a Devil and used Witchcraft to kill Kobe Bryant.

He says:
“This is the only wild conspiracy theory I am going to ever toss out there on this program,” McDonald laughably asserted. “I normally don’t do this, but this is just a food for thought question.
“We all know that it is pretty much a given that Mrs. HRC … is a witch, can a witch cast a spell on something like this to cause death and not be [known]? I’m just throwing that out. I don’t know anything about this stuff, you do. Is that possible if she wanted to get rid of Kobe? Please, Right Wing Watch, don’t be putting in that me and Cory are saying this; this is just a food for thought question. Do you think Hillary would be able to do it if she wanted to do it?”

McDonald also claimed Bryant’s tragic death was a “ritual sacrifice.” 

If Clinton really wanted to use Witchcraft powers to destroy someone, why would a former basketball player be on her hit list?

Just him asking the question is scary enough.
Scary to think anyone could take him or his crowd seriously.

On a similar note of crazy, and oh yes, we warn you that language in the video below is full of obscenities.
A customer, in line, trying to pay for his groceries, experiences this: