Showing posts with label Self Discovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Discovery. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Paganism-The Path of Self Discovery

Being a Pagan is self empowering, life-affirming, it changes the entire playing field.
We focus on what is sacred (and that is nature) and avoid the bombardment of negative news, useless media gossip and what everyone else is doing.

You can just feel the amazing energy not only within the coven, but within ourselves as well.
It guides us to be better people, more respectful, responsible, positive, and it's life empowering.

Learning about oneself and who and what you are is what it's all about for the Pagan community.
Our circle is about understanding, discovery, our purpose and having some fun along the way.
Once we realize that we are nature and we reconnect with nature, we are then able to reconnect with ourselves.

Paganism has no founder, no worldly leaders, no prophets, no messiahs, and no saints.
We do not worship a saviour, we look for individual spiritual enlightenment, and responsibility.
The practice of Paganism goes down a path of self-discovery, and the discovery of one's own journey.

We also advise people that each individual must follow his or her own path, having the integrity, honesty and loyalty; to treat nature as sacred, and to love and respect all forms of life. 

We believe people are searching because they feel a spiritual void in their lives, and are searching for something meaningful, something with purpose, maybe something with magic.

Yes, we believe in magic.
Magic is everywhere: you just need to look for it. 
Just planting seeds in a garden you'll see nature's magic.

Nature speaks to us, it has the answers, just listen.
By letting go of the everyday noise and embracing the power nature, your life will instantly be enriched because you'll see the world and yourself differently.

There is no complicated or confusing comprehensive solution when searching for answers. In reality, it’s often just paying attention to nature as it speaks to us.
By doing so we stay grounded with the energies of the earth and begin to learn who we are.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Self Discovery

Socrates said that people make themselves appear ridiculous when they are trying to know obscure things before they know themselves. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Are We Lost?


We've talked about this before, here we are again, it's about discovering ourselves and detachment from the news media, social media and the pressure of conformity.
We recently visited a very nice Korean restaurant and seated across from us was a nice looking young couple.
The moment they sat down, out came their phones and from that moment on we never saw them look at each other or even look up (except to order).
If we are losing the art of conversation, we are also losing the ability to express ourselves and that's a recipe for personal disaster.



Who are we trying to impress, why are we concerned with how many likes you get on Social Media?
Who cares about the impression you make for others, how about how we feel about ourselves?
Why are we interested what the media crowd wants us to watch on television, eat or not eat, think or believe?