Showing posts with label Wales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wales. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Mandatory Religious Education in Wales

It seems that students will be forced by the Welch Government to take part in religious education classes and parents will have no say in the matter.
Parents' right to withdraw their children from religion lessons will be removed under Wales' new curriculum.

But Sir Malcolm Evans (photo below) said this could lead to parents taking legal action.
The Welsh Government keeps insisting the indoctrination would not breach human rights.
Currently parents are able to request their children do not take part in religious education, under an opt-out arrangement.

But under the new curriculum, set to be rolled out in schools from September 2022, the lessons will be compulsory, regardless of parental objections.
Under the changes, Wales will become the first part of the UK to remove the opt-out for religious education.
Ministers have argued making the subjects mandatory ensures all children will be taught important information.

But Sir Malcolm, a member of the Commission on Religious Education and Professor of Law at Bristol University, said removing the opt-out option for religious classes could breach human rights. 
Actually, it does violate the students rights.
Yes, schools can choose the subjects they want to teach, but parents should have the right to decide if they want their children indoctrinated.
If the schools insist on teaching religion, we would hope that would include an honest portrayal of Paganism.
Whatever the school sets as a curriculum, the parents of these students should ultimately be able to decide what is best for their child. 

Under the European Convention on Human Rights parents have a right to have their children educated in accordance with their religious or philosophical convictions, which also includes non-religious belief.
Sir Malcolm goes on to say:
"In my view having an opt-out is very much a safety valve.”
“It is a useful and important safety valve to ensure those parents and children who genuinely find it impossible to reconcile their beliefs with the content of an education of that nature still have the right to be able to exempt themselves from those classes.
"For that is, in my view, what human rights law says they are entitled to."

Under the new curriculum Religious Education will be renamed Religion, Values and Ethics.
In response to the concerns, the Welsh Government said the new legislative rules would be compatible with the rights protected by the Human Rights Act 1998.
"The Welsh Government has been clear that its policy in this area will require careful and sensitive handling prior to its implementation in September 2022," a spokeswoman promised.