Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Emoji Bible is Here

As Pagans we aren't having Bible studies, but we recognize the Bible is one of the most well known books to exist.

Even though the book is well known, we aren’t sure how well read it is, but that doesn't matter anymore because of the Emoji Bible is here.
It supposedly makes reading easier and more interesting.

Read from every Christian pulpit, the Good news of the Bible is the ultimate word for believers.
That's why we are scratching our collective heads trying to understand the ‘Emoji Bible.'

The purpose apparently, is to translate passages from the Bible into emoji to inspire a new generation of believers.

The unnamed translator, only known as 😎, said he/she used 80 emoji, and took about six months to complete.
"I thought if we fast forwarded 100 years in the future, an emoji bible would exist."
"I wanted to make it similar to how you might text or tweet a bible verse, by shrinking the total character count."

It's available on iTunes if you're interested, there is also a translator to help with the translation: Here

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Iowa Bible Marathon

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad signed a proclamation back in April encouraging “all Iowans” to participate in a statewide Bible-reading marathon, but the question becomes, is this constitutional?
The ACLU and two other groups, the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers, claim the governor’s proclamation promotes one religion over others and over nonreligion.
“The governor’s proclamation is frankly outrageous and embarrassing, and inconsistent with our core American and Iowan principles of inclusion and respect of all its people of all faiths, as well as those who are not religious,” Legal Director of the ACLU of Iowa Rita Bettis said. “Our U.S. and Iowa state constitutions protect from precisely this sort of government overreaching and endorsement of a particular faith.”

Branstad’s Bible-reading marathon was organized by several Christian groups, scheduled to take place every day June 30th through July 3rd in front of all 99 Iowa courthouses, some of which will have prayers every 15 minutes.

“I, Terry E. Branstad, Governor of the State of Iowa, do hereby encourage all Iowans to join this historical 99 County Bible Reading Marathon,” the official proclamation reads, “and furthermore, encourage individuals and families in Iowa to read through the bible on a daily basis each year until the Lord comes.”

The proclamation begins under a banner noting that it is “In the name and by the authority of the state of Iowa.” It also says that “the Bible is recognized as the one true revelation from God,” that “all Scripture is essential to prepare us to be the people God wants us to be,” and that the Bible, as “God’s revealed will for mankind,” holds the answers for civic leaders with regard to issues like social injustice and the drug crisis.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

You Don't Own Me

Believe it or not, we get on quite well with the Christian community, we often agree to disagree, and we're okay with that.
One such disagreement was about the roll of women in marriage.
We were told by our well meaning Christian friend the Holy Spirit says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ. so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

"So," we asked, "you believe that the man you'll marry isn't really your partner, you're not equals, you are subservient to his whims, no matter what?

She told us without flinching, "I will be to my husband what the church is to Christ, submissive, obedient."

"So if he commands you to be something or do something that you felt was ethically or morally wrong you would obey?" we asked.

Her answer was fascinating, "we're talking about obedience here. It's not about being submissive, it's about being obedient. The Bible commands wives to obey their husbands in EVERYTHING."

Yes, it's there in the Bible, for all to read.  In Ephesians: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands…For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church…Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”

Finally we just told her, "we really think one of the reasons women are leaving the church is because of the rediscovery of ancient faiths like Paganism."

While Christianity claims to advance the status of women, it was Christianity that forced itself as the sole religion of the Roman Empire and the feminine became spiritually subordinate to the male.  
There was only one god – and he's a guy.

Many people are leaving religion, choosing instead personal spirituality.

We explained to our young friend "the Pagan values are simple, your spouse and family come first, rather than god or church dogma, and no one owns you."

Just like in our rituals, we don't command women to remain silent, actually no one stays silent, we are all equals, we all participate, in marriage it is the same.

Pagans believe marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and its downs, its trials and its triumphs. 
Brides are never given away like in other weddings, you've heard it, "who gives the bride in marriage?" A woman is not property to be bought and sold, given and taken, instead the bride is asked if she comes of her own free will.

Well, our young friend wasn't convinced, she didn't change our minds either, but we did invite her to our next Full Moon Ritual. We don't think she's coming, but maybe someday she will realize she isn't owned by anyone.