Here’s an interesting offering regarding Tesla’s 369.
The star you see here is found in religions and cultures worldwide, but it's not what you think, and Nikola Tesla tried telling us.
This is called a Star Tetrahedron.
The top triangle has a universal number of 147.
The bottom has a universal number of 852.
147 = 12(3) Alpha
852 = 15(6) Omega
999 = 27(9)
Your chakras each have a frequency based on their energy and vibration, and they can be found hidden within the omega numbers.
396(9) - Root
417(3) - Sacral
528(6) - Solar Plexus
639(9) - Heart
741(3) - Throat
852(6) - Third Eye
963(9) - Crown
This is why Tesla said if you want to understand tbe universe think of energy, vibration, and frequency, and the keys to the universe are 3,6 and 9.
Everything is connected.
For more information, check out
This subject can be confusing so hopefully this video will help explain the 369 energy and vibration connection.