Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

Jet Lag Rescue

For those of you traveling we thought it was a good time to start talking about jet lag and what to do about it.

Jet lag can affect people of all ages and the people going on this trip are in their early twenties, but that really doesn't make a difference, because this is the result of your internal body clock not being able to adjust immediately to a new time zone, it's not about age.

Jet lag can disturb your sleep at night and make you feel tired during the day, and it can cause digestion problems.

Jet lag isn't to be confused with general travel fatigue and it doesn't matter what type of aircraft, seat, fast boarding, or the class of travel you're using.

So then, what is jet lag?
The world is divided into 24 different time zones. Your body's internal clocks control 24-hour circadian rhythms, which are messed up after crossing time zones.
Your body clock affects your sleeping and waking pattern, as well as circadian rhythms in:
* appetite 
* digestion 
* bowel habits 
* urine production 
* body temperature 
* blood pressure 

When you travel across time zones, you body and mind needs time to adjust to a new  schedule and daily routine at your new destination.

What can you do about it?

Jett lag issues usually go away after a few days, but here's a few things you can do when you arrive at your destination:
* Start a new routine - eat and sleep at the the local times for your new time zone, not at the time like you do back at home.
* Try not to take a nap when you arrive - you may be tired after a long flight, but remaining  active until the local time to sleep at your destination will help you adjust quicker.
* Just being outdoors will help -natural daylight will help you adjust to a new time zone.

It's really not possible to prevent jet lag, and their is little proof that the jet lag pills and liquids are very effective.

But, changing your sleep routine a few days before departure and making sure you get enough sleep before you travel can help.

And of course, we never travel without our crystals.
There are crystals for Tiredness and Jet Lag, two of which are: Snow Quartz and Black Tourmaline.

Snow Quartz and Black Tourmaline can be used together to reduce feelings of tiredness and jet lag after travelling.

Hold the Snow Quartz in your left hand and the Black Tourmaline in your right hand. Imagine energy coming into your left hand and all the tiredness leaving through your right hand.
Sit there for 10 minutes and feel the energy from the Snow Quartz filling your body while all the tiredness and negative energy is being drawn out of your body by the Black Tourmaline.

Malachite is another wonderful stone known to support airplane and airline workers as a protection against accidents and miners for protection from unexplained accidents.
The power behind Earth's minerals offer us their energy when put a crystal in your hands or near your physical body. Crystals are the magic of the earth, filled with energy to be used. Some of the best crystals for travel include Angelite, Calcite, Celestite, Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Peridot, Quartz, Sapphire and Staurolite. 
They can be used for awareness, communication, grounding, protection and safe travel.

When we travel we wear Hematite bracelets…

We're not saying you won't be tired after a long trip, we are saying we didn't feel trashed with jet lag.
Hematite stones absorb the vibrations of your energy and become like a close personal travel companion.

Hematite is a wonderful stone with the ability to ground you, creating a balance between the physical and the spiritual. 
A Hematite Stone is the most powerful and effective grounding gemstone for your body. 

The moment it touches your skin, you feel its grounding energy, helping you to feel balanced, calmer and more centered. It absorbs all the negative energy from your body, eliminating stress, anxiety, worry and fear. 
So the bottom line for travelers, Hematite has the ability to neutralize the tired or sluggish of jet lag.
Using hematite in your traveling gives you balance and relief from stress and tension.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

18 Things When Traveling

Reasons Not To Do It France - In fact, asking about money is impolite in many countries but French sometimes treat this especially critically.

Ukraine - People in Ukraine as well as in most Slavic countries bring even number of flowers to the cemeteries.

New Zealand - Honking in New Zealand is often used when intended to insult another driver pointing out that you strongly disagree with his or her actions. 

India - Kissing or holding hand are also forbidden being considered as something highly inappropriate to do in public. 

Japan - Japanese are proud to provide the best service as standard without waiting for the tips. 

Mexico - Locals love to make jokes and they are generally fun and innocent, so treat it that way. 

Norway - Many people don't go to church at all and such question would be rude to ask. 

Turkey - This is an obscene gesture in Turkey. UK - Such behaviour is usually condemned.

Ireland - Locals don't think they have any accent at all. There are only accents of other parts of Ireland that they recognise as such.

Germany - People believe that the person may not live to the birthday if congratulated with it beforehand. Kenya - Only do it after someone has called you by the name first. 

Chile - Manners matter here. Singapore - Also don't feed birds, and don't throw garbage and don't spit on the street. 

USA - Tipping is obligatory and there are even rates of how much to tip for any service you use. 

Italy - Of course, you can order it in the restaurant but in such case be ready for the surprised look of the waiter. Italians drink cappuccino for breakfast, that's the reason.

Hungary - Though it's an old habit, some people still prefer to avoid clinking glasses especially when drinking beer. 

China - They are believed to bring bad luck when given as presents.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hematite - A Travel a Companion

After 30 plus hours flying back and forth, to and from Asia the past 10 days we are so happy to let you know that Hematite was a wonderful friend.

Usually after long flights we feel washed out and pretty much useless, but this time these stones have made our travels so much easier.

We wore Hematite bracelets. (similar to the one in the photo below)

We're not saying you won't be tired after a long trip, we are saying we didn't feel trashed with jet lag.
Hematite stones absorb the vibrations of your energy and become like a close personal travel companion.
Hematite is a wonderful stone with the ability to ground you, creating a balance between the physical and the spiritual. 
A Hematite Stone is the most powerful and effective grounding gemstone for your body. 
The moment it touches your skin, you feel its grounding energy, helping you to feel balanced, calmer and more centered. It absorbs all the negative energy from your body, eliminating stress, anxiety, worry and fear. 
So the bottom line for travelers, Hematite has the ability to neutralize the tired or sluggish of jet lag.
Using hematite in your traveling gives you balance and relief from stress and tension.