Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The prophets of modern dieting want you to feel guilty about food

Jay Rayner is an award-winning writer, journalist and broadcaster. He was born in London in 1966 and has written extensively across the British and international media as both feature writer and columnist on everything from crime and politics, to the arts and fashion. He now writes for the Observer, where he is a feature writer and restaurant critic.

 For more info:  Click Here

Here's a great piece by him...Enjoy:

There have always been diet books – and they’ve always been stupid. But now they have added a moral dimension.

Every Sunday in the centre of Brixton, a group of Afro-Caribbean women of a certain age, gather on Atlantic Road to sing lustily about Jesus while wearing big hats. As a diehard atheist I am meant to have no time for organised religion. But the fact is they’re not harming anyone and they look very happy indeed.
If only all religions were so benign. If only all religions were so cheerful. But they are not. Recently a new kind of religion has arisen; one engineered for a godless age and specifically designed to make its devotees feel worse about themselves more often than they feel better. Like all religions it is based on hocus-pocus, misdirection and delusion. This new religion is called The Diet.
Yes of course diets have been around for centuries, promoted just as they are now through books. And for the most part they have always been stupid: the grapefruit diet, the red wine and steak diet, the kitten and stilton diet. I may have invented one of those. But generally they were functional. Do thing A and thing B and you will get result C. They didn’t work because like, pyramid investment schemes, they never do...Read More

Monday, May 23, 2016

Low Fat Diets Are Dangerous

Respected doctors and scientists are now saying that 'low fat' and 'proven to lower cholesterol' messages have had a disastrous impact on public health. 
The National Obesity Forum said it was time to 'bring back the fat' with 'real food', like steak, eggs, butter and full-fat milk. (We've thought this all along)

The report says: “The most natural and nutritious foods available – meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, olive, avocados - all contain saturated fat. 
"The continued demonisation of omnipresent natural fat drives people away from highly nourishing wholesome and health promoting foods.” 

A survey revealing 83 per cent of doctors thought butter was worse than margarine and 66 per cent believed vegetable oils were beneficial was 'shocking'. (Yikes)

Consultant cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra said: “The change in dietary advice to promote low-fat foods is perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history resulting in devastating consequences for public health. Sadly this unhelpful advice continues to be perpetuated.”