Showing posts with label Question Everything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Question Everything. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Question Everything

Trust is a very important thing, it’s fragile and easily betrayed.
Unfortunately, there are people out there that prey upon that trust and bank on the fact that people are often quite gullible.

We have all received scam calls and this post is to remind you to question everything and believe nothing.

One online hero has taken action into his own hands. He calls himself "Jim Browning," but won't disclose his real name for security reasons. 
Browning goes after scammers who make robocalls to people they hope will fall for their "computer repair" scheme. 
He plays the victim, listening as the scammers tell him they need access to his computer so they can give him a refund.
You can learn more about his work on YouTube and Twitter.

What is his goal in helping to expose these people?
"One is really I want to get back at these guys," Browning said. “But the other one is just [to] raise awareness of scams in general.”

We bring this to you as a reminder to be cautious and protective over your trust and money.

Now, watch how it all goes down...

Friday, February 14, 2020


This is a interesting video, reminding us why we question everything.