Showing posts with label Selenite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selenite. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2021


We are big believers in Selenite. It's our go to crystal when we need healing for ourselves and for our animal family members, it helps to remove all energy blockages in the body. 
Place a selenite wand on any area of the body that feels sore or tight, for about 20 minutes, and you will feel the difference.

Additionally Selenite is a wonderful energy tool for all types of energy cleansing!  It has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant energy and remove negative energy.  
Selenite crystals also increases the energy of anything that is placed upon them. 

One more thing, selenite, is a crystal that dissolves when soaked in water, you should not soak it. Instead, rinse the selenite crystal occasionally.

  • Take your Selenite
  • Run it under tap water for 5 seconds.
  • Pat it dry with a soft cloth.