Showing posts with label Colored Eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colored Eggs. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2024


The spring equinox marks the coming of spring and the dawn, a time of renewal, when the land is reborn from the death of winter. 
Because of this, Ostara is often seen as a time for rites symbolic rebirth.

The vernal equinox is named for the Goddess Eostre - sounds a lot like the word Easter for some reason.
Some of the traditional Easter symbols had their origins in Ostara festivities - icons such as the egg and bunnies.
Ostara is one of the Lesser Sabbats.
Ostara is celebrated at the spring / vernal equinox. 

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally
Hard boil all eggs in advance, adding a few tablespoons of vinegar to the boiling water to prepare the shell for coloring. 
To hard boil eggs without cracking them, add cold water and eggs to a pot, making sure the water covers the eggs completely. 
Bring to a boil (about 12 minutes and large eggs about 15 minutes) and then transfer to a cold water bath immediately to stop the cooking process.
Next, create the dyes.

Natural Egg Dye Recipe
1 ½ cups water
Plant material of choice (2 tablespoons spices/powders, 4 tablespoons dried leaves/flowers, or 1 cup chopped fruit/vegetable)
1 tablespoon vinegar

  • Bring water and plant material to a boil and then simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn off heat.
  • Strain dye into a jar or bowl and add vinegar or alum (compost the plant material).
  • Add a hard boiled egg to the dye bath and let sit for minutes to hours, depending on dye and desired color.