Showing posts with label Pink Full Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Full Moon. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Pink Full Moon

The brightest full moon of 2020 will be the Full Pink Supermoon that peaks Tuesday, April 7.
If the weather cooperates and gives us clear skies, the upcoming full moon could put on quite a show, coming at a time of reduced air pollution, clearer sky’s, due to reduced motor vehicle travel and factory production.
A supermoon is a full moon that occurs when the Moon is at the closest point to Earth in its orbit. It’s about 7 percent larger and 15 percent brighter than the average full moon, which generally is not as obvious to the casual viewer as the name supermoon might imply.

On April 7 the Moon will be about 221,772 miles from Earth, about 30,000 miles closer than its most distant point from Earth in its orbit – of 2020.
April’s full moon is known as the Full Pink Moon by some Native American cultures because its coming coincidences with the early spring blooming of creeping phlox, a common pink wildflower.

The full moon this month is the second of three consecutive supermoons. 
The first was March 9 and the third will occur on May 7.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Pink Full Moon

A Full Pink Moon will be April 19, 2019.
Despite its name, the Moon won’t actually be pink.
The name refers to the wild ground phlox, a pink wildflower, (photo below) that usually appears in the U.S. and Canada around this time of year.