Showing posts with label Polk County Pagan Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polk County Pagan Market. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Polk County Pagan Market

What started out as an announcement for Polk County Pagan Market has turned into an ugly debate between both Pagans and Christians in the small east Texas town of Livingston and throughout the state. 

On Friday, July 8th, Jason Mclelland released the graphic for November’s event and by Saturday morning the opposition were gathering up their pitchforks and torches.

The flyer was noticed by a leader of a local church and then it all went to hell from there.

Senior Pastor Kevin Hendrix (that’s him in the photo below) of FaithWorld International Outreach Church released a public post on Facebook condemning an upcoming Polk County Pagan Market event.

Sharing the Pagan Market’s graphic, the pastor wrote, “Pastors and Christians you better take your stand now and let’s put a stop to this!! This is NOT welcome in Polk County!! Polk County is hungry and thirsty for righteousness and Jesus said those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled!!”

Then in another post the pastor added, “Has passivity become the norm for some in the church? When did we get to the point that things of the world became ‘ok’ or ‘maybe it won’t hurt?’ Hold your beliefs up to the standard of God’s word and see the difference. Call me old fashioned if you want to it does not matter to me!! If you play around with worldly things you’ll get results you probably don’t want!!!”

“We’ve had messages from people telling us ‘… this (the event) won’t happen here….” or “… leave the county…” the owner of Witch’s Brew Metaphysical stated. 

Over the weekend the online metaphysical shop has had their website taken down, as well as other forms of social media falling to people reporting the posts.

Witch’s Brew Metaphysical said that, subsequent to the post, “fake vendors have applied so we have to go through those emails. Some of the messages are proselytizing and some are opposition posts sent to me with death threats on both sides.”

Mclelland released a public statement:

“…..Me personally, I WILL not respond to hate with hate. People fear what they have been taught to fear without knowing what they are fearing. That’s okay, we all do it to some degree. But kindness is key to an open ear. I have no interest in explaining, proselytizing or arguing. However if asked, I will educate. But without kindness, no one will care to listen.
I would like to ask our community, if you do respond, to respond with kindness, meet hate with compassion, lets show everyone we are the better….”

Tension seems to be brewing in the Livingston area and the sermons at the latest Sunday services appear to be stoking those tensions. 

This comes after the viral post from Pastor Kevin Hendrix viral post now has over 500 shares with 3,500 laugh reactions.  Commenters on the post have shared business information and called Christians to join the protest and even show up at the event. 

One person wrote “We curse this pagan market at the root in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!,” another person called the event “disturbing.”

Land states, “ Events like the Polk County Witches Market provide an outlet for our community to gather safely. Especially in the more rural areas of Texas, where it may be too far for attendees to travel to the bigger cities, these spaces are all the more vital. The comments made by Christian extremists against this market have not just been hateful, but threatening. It’s simply unacceptable. It’s important that we stand up for one another and help build each other up whenever possible.”

 Support has been coming in from not only around the state but from other states as well. 

Pledging security, volunteering opportunities and entertainment. 

Gortva Fehérló from Nokken and the Grim is Austin Witchfest Alumni reached out to the festival reached out to offer their support. Fehérló said, “It is more necessary than ever for spiritual and cultural minorities to support one another in these times of hate and rise to each other’s defense when our communities are threatened by violence and censorship. 

When I heard that Livingston’s first pagan market was coming under fire from Christian fundamentalists from a friend of mine, I knew we had to get involved and help them get the support they need. It just so happened that Nøkken + The Grim was in the middle of planning a Texas tour with three other bands, our friends Silver Tongue Devil, ManifestiV and MALAKAAI when the news hit. 

We decided to add a stop at Polk Country Pagan Market to rock the house down against hate and to support real religious freedom.”

“We have people from 8 hours away wanting to come and support us,” Mclelland shared. “We are looking at having the event on private property now. That way the protestors will have to stay at least 40 feet away if they do come. But we are also hoping that we can keep the location secret until closer to the event.” 

Mclelland confirmed, “Nothing is going to stop this event.”