Showing posts with label Science And Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science And Religion. Show all posts

Monday, April 5, 2021

Science And Religion

Recently, there was a conference called Evolution Exposed, for both the believer and unbeliever, inviting people to bring their doubts, questions and curiosity and learn why evolution has been called “a fairy tale for grownups.”

The conference claims there is a lie among us and That Lie Is Evolution!

They go on to say...
Today many laypeople, ministers, and Christian educators are powerless in their presentation of the gospel. They have rejected Genesis, the foundation of biblical doctrine. They have believed the 20th century origins myth—evolution.
The conference website writes...
“An ugly monkey is sitting on the back of a generation, wrapping its beastly hands over their eyes. 
It’s Charles Darwin’s fantasy of evolution—the unscientific, unproven, and unprovable theory masquerading as true science, telling this sinful world that they are mere animals with no moral accountability. 
This godless belief flies directly in the face of the truths of Scripture, that God made us in His image. 
So how can we unmask this beast and remove its hands? Join us for “Evolution Exposed” to learn how to do just that.
Hear ten top creation speakers, each using the popular “TED-Talk” presentation style, sharing the cream of the crop in fifteen minutes. These potent knowledge bombs will help you see the science behind creationism, dispel popular evolution myths, and build your faith in a wonderful Creator. The event will conclude with an hour-long Q&A panel, where we’ll take your questions live.”

People can believe in creationism, we have no problem with that.
But let’s be honest, it’s not science, any more that prayer is.

In 2005, a federal court in Harrisburg, PA ruled "creationism is not a science." The decision had the effect of removing the teaching of creationism from public schools in the Dover, PA school district. It was one of several cases that would be used to remove the teaching of creationism from all public schools in the USA. 
As a result, evolution is taught in  public schools as scientific fact.

Author and researcher, Kevin Turnbaugh, argues that Creation is a Science, that the court got it backwards. 
He says creationism is science and evolution is a flawed theory. 
He examines evidence from biology, botany, and other sciences to prove there is valid science behind creationism, also called, Intelligent Design.

Kelly Grecco of Mason-Dixon Youth For Christ says, "There have been too many scientific 'discoveries' pointing to the truth of creation to discount it and remove it from the curriculum. 
By removing the study of Intelligent Design, schools are, in fact, not giving students the necessary facts needed to make an informed decision.”

Intelligent design is a belief in something that is based on, well, belief.
Evolution is based on scientific evidence and that’s why it’s not taught as science.
Sunday school is a great place to teach the story of the creation, not within the educational curriculum.

Ken Ham, Christian fundamentalist, young Earth creationist and founder, CEO, and former president of Answers in Genesis, who also operates the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter-was one of the speakers at the conference 
Ken believes the earth is 6000 years old and wants that taught in schools. If there was real evidence of that, we would agree, but there isn’t.