
Friday, January 10, 2025

Black Salt

There so many great Black Salt recipes out there, we tried this one and we really like it…
You can use a variety of ingredients, use the ones special and meaningful to you.

Black Salt is a powerful protection and purification tool. It can be used to clear your space of negative energies and protect your home or business from unwanted visitors.

Sprinkle some on your front porch or entryway floor before going to bed at night. In the morning, sweep it up and dispose of it properly. This will help clear any negativity around your home while keeping out unwanted guests who may not have had good intentions when knocking on your door!

This salt is excellent for use in protection and banishing magickal workings, grounding and centering yourself, undoing misdeeds, breaking up negativity around you, or just as a simple way to do ceremonial cleansing.