
Friday, October 25, 2024

Benefits of Clapping

Way back in the 6th century BC, lawmaker Kleisthénes of Athens made it so that audiences would have to clap in approval of their leader, since there were too many people to meet individually. 

Through this came the “applause”, the unified voices of all these people in the form of clapping together in admiration.

But let’s look a little closer, what is clapping all about?

Health Benefits

Clapping is known to improve the overall heart health and improve blood pressure

Blood circulation to various organs is also improved by regular clapping. 

Clapping also helps improve asthma related problems by promoting function of nerve endings that connect these organs.

The activity of clapping your hands can be done early in the morning to receive a number of benefits. 

It is a powerful mental and physical stimulant, as it activates your energy chakras, and improves blood circulation in the body. 

Moreover, it acts as a positive affirmation and also engages your body.

Here are 5 benefits of clapping your hands

1. It activates your energy chakras

The human body contains several energy points or centers, and clapping can help stimulate them.

“If you spend 10 to 15 minutes clapping your hands, you will be able to feel the energy passing through the seven chakras. This will activate these centers,” shares yoga expert, Grand Master Akshar with HealthShots.

2. Clapping can help in mental and physical stimulation

It is important for the mind and body to be strong, and clapping can be a very useful and effective way to strengthen the mind and the body. 

When you stimulate the physical and mental aspects through the activity of clapping early in the morning, it keeps you in a positive and upbeat mood throughout the day.

“This is an easy activity that can be done by anybody regardless of age and fitness level. 

Therefore, it is recommended to practice clapping your hands as part of your exercise routine,” says Grand Master Akshar.

Psychological and Behavioral Science International Journal also ratifies the mental health benefits of clapping. 

It suggests that ailments like stomach issues, neck, and lower pain, kidney, and lungs problems, etc. can also be relieved with the help of clapping.

3. It improves blood circulation

You can practice clapping your hands in seated positions such as vajrasana or sukhasana. 

It is advisable to perform this activity early in the morning; it can also be done by those who are overweight or suffering from chronic conditions, as they may not be able to involve themselves in any other form of physical exercise. 

So by clapping their hands, they can improve the blood circulation and thus be able to manage issues such as hypertension or hypotension.

4. It brings in positivity

“Across many cultures, clapping of the hands is considered to be a symbol and gesture for celebration, acknowledgment, praise, encouragement, and recognition. 

Even during the time of worship, there are certain people who practice singing hymns to the lord, and this is accompanied by clapping of the hands, which indicates a positive environment uplifting one’s energies and vibrations. 

Whether it comes to playing a sport or watching a performance, clapping is used to denote positive response,” explains Grand Master Akshar.

5. It engages your entire body

If you notice the act of clapping, it doesn’t just involve the hands. 

The entire body’s energy is expended during the process of clapping and it automatically improves the mood and elevates one’s energy.

Many believe sound and vibration of clapping removes negative energy from you and around you. 

It’s the quickest, most powerful way of clearing negative energy.

We know Pagans that clap every morning. 

They clap holding a sacred space of gratitude, joy and happiness.

We are told that they start clapping loudly, then all around themselves, then walk around the house continuing to clap loudly. 

In a few moments they say they have changed the energy and vibrations, cleared the space around them and their house, all negative energy has been dissipated. 

This is how they start their day, with mind and body vibrating at a high frequency.