
Sunday, October 3, 2021

This is the moment a man loads the moon into his car

Images taken by photographer Cris Froese, 41, from Poland, appear to show him loading the moon into the back of his vehicle.

The series of pictures, entitled 'Stealing the moon', took around two years to prepare and were captured on a Nikon D750 camera, according to Mr Froese.

He said: 'I planned this picture for around two years before the night they were taken.

'I didn't believe that it was going to work as well as it did, but when we got the car - a Subaru Forester - and aligned it with the moon I knew it was going to be something special. 

'I didn't have much time to take the pictures and was on the phone with the man in the car so I could tell him what to do. 

Mr Froese, who enjoys a style of photography known as magic realism, said while it was difficult to align the car with the moon for the stunt he was happy with how the pictures were received.

He added: 'I'm very happy that the picture became so popular.