
Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Elements

The ancient Greeks believed that there were four elements that everything was made up of: earth, water, air, and fire. 

All cultures across the world have some form of symbolism related to the four elements – fire, water, air, and earth. 

It’s widely acknowledged that these four elements sustain living beings and make life on earth possible.

Take any of these elements away and we don’t exist.

The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was the first to theorize about the four elements in 450 BCE. 

Based on Aristotle’s discoveries, alchemists invented four triangular shapes to symbolically represent the elements. 

Fire is considered to be the first element to be created on earth. 

Fire is predominantly associated with the sun, is a warm and dry element.  

It gives off light, which protects all living creatures from the shadows of night. 

Fire is transformative, and when merged with other elements, it can change and grow. 

For instance, when fire encounters air, it grows bigger, and burns brighter.

Water is the most soothing and calming of the four elements. 

It’s cool and wet nature allows it to appease the mind and body. 

The water element can be found in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and springs. 

Life on earth would not be possible without water, and every living creature from the smallest microorganism to the largest mammal depends on it. 

The flowing and transformative nature of water makes it a cleanser and purifier.

Air is the element of life itself as all living creatures, both plants and animals, require air to live and thrive. 

Air is warm, moist, and provides the mind and body with energy. 

The air element can be found all around us, but its most visible manifestation is through breezes or winds.

Earth is the most materially grounded element.  

It’s cool and dry nature, provides a comfortable living space for all plants and animals. 

The earth element can be found in fields, hills, mountains, and plains and is home to all living beings. 

Survival would be impossible without earth.  

Earth is a rich and fertile element providing energy and sustenance to all living creatures.