
Monday, August 2, 2021

Holy Shit

California Pastor Dan Burgoyne was trying to make some kind of a point about how God sees sin.

He declares that the Bible often compares the concept of “sin” to things like dirt, filth, and even dog poop.

As his theatrics continued, “No, this is not a brownie,” says Burgoyne about the platter of poop next to him, to nervous laughter from the congregation. “No, this is not Snickers bar. I’ve owned two Bullmastiffs in my life. This is Great Dane.”

Burgoyne quotes Psalm 141:2 about lifting one’s hands up to God but says that “your sin has hidden my face from you so that I will not hear.” 

He attempts to make the point that lifting one’s hands up to God while being a sinner, such as by worshipping other gods, is like showing him your hands while they’re covered in dog poop.

And so, for reasons beyond any rational reasoning, the pastor slides both of his hands down right on the pile of Great Dane poop and rubs them all around, to the disgust and horror of the congregation.

Regardless, the pastor goes on to squeeze the poop a few more times before lifting his hands to show everyone how covered they are with dog feces.

Then he says, “and so you know what you say? ‘Oh God, create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit and cast me not from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me,’ and you’ve got chunks coming off of your thumb.”

 “And God is saying ‘what do you want? 

Do you want me or do you want you?'”

It’s unclear at this point if Burgoyne is basically saying that everyone is shit without God or not.

Regardless, it seems like God doesn’t want you to sin because he thinks it’s disgusting.

Maybe it’s just us, but the point could have been made without putting any hands in poop. 

If his message needed this kind of shock value, perhaps the point wasn’t worth making.

This gives “laying on of hands” a brand new meaning.