
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christian Group Invades Sacred Indian Burial Site

Located in Southern Ohio, there’s a Native American national historic site called Great Serpent Mound and it’s considered sacred by the tribes.

Christian activist Dave Daubenmire disrespecting the Winter Solstice and the sacred site went to the Great Serpent Mound with members of his ministry. 

They invaded the site to pray against the “dark energy” that he proclaims is released there. 

What that means is one member climbing onto the mound and essentially desecrating the site.

It led to a confrontation between the Christians and Philip Yenyo of the American Indian Movement of Ohio. Yeno tried to defend the space when he heard Daubenmire’s Christian group was planning to go there. 

You’ll see in the video how Pagans, American Indians and common decency is treated in this disgraceful display.