
Saturday, June 22, 2024

The First Harvest

Lughnasadh also known as Lammas or August Eve, takes its name from the 'Festival of Lugh', the Celtic God of Light.

Lughnasadh is associated with the beginning of the harvest, a time to reap the first fruits of the Earth.

In some traditions, Lughnasadh (along with Beltane) is a good time for handfasting (marriage).

Lughnasadh is one of the four Greater Sabbats.

Lughnasadh is traditionally celebrated July 31st/August 1 is the first harvest.

In various Celtic traditions August 1st is celebrated as Lammas, a designation of the first harvest

This holiday marks the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox. 

Lammas is often symbolized by threshing wheat or baking loaves of bread.