Winter Solstice

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Summer Solstice Floral Crown

If you want to celebrate the Summer Solstice with natures beauty, there's no better way than a "do it yourself" floral crown, here's how: 

What you need:
A variety of fresh flowers, trimmed them down to 3-inch stems
2 pieces of 16-gauge floral cloth wire
Green floral tape
Floral sheers would be great, but you can use good scissors.

Now bend the two pieces of floral wire together and make a circle that will fit the intended head.
Then use tape to wrap the overlapping sections to create a base for the crown. 
Design 15 small clusters of 4-5 flowers and wrap the stems together tight with floral tape. 
Position flower clusters to the wire base  and wrap tape around the stems so they hold on.
Continue layering each cluster around the wire base until it’s filled.