
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Princeton Researchers Discover that Home Gardening Is The Answer For Society’s Problems

Home gardening is the answer for everything. 
At least that’s what of a Princeton study  Landscape and Urban Planning says.
The study suggests that home gardening is “largely overlooked by policymakers.”

The study studied 370 Minneapolis-St. Paul residents’ emotional well-being through common activities like walking, bus riding, shopping, and eating out.
Researchers found that a third of people do gardening at home for an average of 90 minutes a week. 

“It is hard to know who is gardening at home,” says first author Graham Ambrose, a research project specialist in the Princeton University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 
“Many more people garden than we think.”

And oh how happy they are. 
As gardeners dig in the soil and take care of their gardens,they also report high levels of happiness, among the top third of all activities. 

Gardeners also report high levels of meaningfulness, especially for vegetable gardening.
Female and low-income gardeners, who often have a difficult time in life, reported really high emotional well-being.
And solo gardeners were just as happy as those with friends.

So, once again, “The Old Religion is the magic of the Earth itself. 
It is the essence which binds all things together.”