
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

New Moon Ritual

While full moons are all about letting go, new moons are about growth and making way for the new.

Here are some thoughts on have your own personal New Moon ritual:
Physically cleaning your space is always wonderful way to  invite positive new energy!
As you begin your personal ritual, try smudging to clear the area and your thoughts.
As you focus on releasing what no longer serves you, move the smoke through your space.

Take your time with this before you begin your intention-setting ritual.

Before you decide of what areas of your life you wish to focus on, take a moment to sit in silence to review them.

What does it feel like when you think about them? 
Really pay attention to your intuition, it’s also heightened during this phase of the new moon.

Write each thought down on a piece of paper. 
Concentrate on one or two specific things you are concerned about.

Think of these thoughts as seeds that you are planting.

Now say your wishes out loud. 
Writing them out makes them real and speaking them out loud increases this energy.

You can keep your written thoughts, bury or burn them, it’s up to you.

This is your ritual.
It’s about what works best for you, so there’s no need to follow any special ceremony, it’s your energy.
Your intention is more important than the process itself.
You can add the elements or crystals to your ritual, it’s all up to you.