
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Being Pagan

Being a Pagan is self empowering, life-affirming, it changes the entire playing field.

As Pagans, we honor nature, the full moon, food, music and celebrate many of the Wiccan and modern Druid traditions.
There are eight Festivals that make up the Wheel of the Year. The Sabbats are solar, seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. 
These days are Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltain, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon.

One thing we ask when someone inquires to learn more about Paganism, "what are you looking for, what do you hope to gain?"
More often than not we hear, "self understanding, self discovery, my purpose, I want to know who I am."

Learning about oneself and who and what you are is what it's all about for Pagans.

Once we realize that we are nature and we reconnect with that nature, we are then able to reconnect with ourselves.

We also explain to the curious potential member Paganism has no founder, no worldly leaders, no prophets, no messiahs, and no saints.
We do not worship a saviour, we look for individual self empowerment, spiritual enlightenment, and a path of self-discovery.

We believe people seek Paganism because they feel a spiritual void in their lives, and are searching for something meaningful, something with purpose.

By embracing the power nature, by reaching for answers from your higher consciousness, your life will be enriched because you'll see the world and yourself differently.

There is no complicated or confusing comprehensive solution when searching for answers. In reality, it’s often just paying attention to our intuition and paying attention to nature, as it speaks to us.
By doing so we stay grounded with the energies of the earth and begin to learn who we are.