Winter Solstice

Saturday, March 7, 2020

20 Minutes

This August a Christian film called 20 Minutes will be released.
It’s how to how a nuclear missile will be certain death for the main characters.
Supposedly, this will force non believers to rethink their doubts, the way they have been living their lives — and their belief in God.

Believers seem to think that non believers will panic and confess their conversion right before their impending demise.

It’s like when believers say “there are no atheists in foxholes.” They are suggesting that in the middle of a crisis, when life is in danger, even non believers will ask God to keep them safe. 

But even in a life-threatening, deathbed situation, Pagans believe in self empowerment, we are responsible for our own lives, we are at the helm, captains of our own journey, surrendering our power to no one.

We are told to trust the unseen, have absolute faith and hand over all personal power because God is in control of everything.
If we surrender and allow God to work his miracles, everything will be just fine.

Having faith in things unproven can be a slippery slope, it's pretending to know things we just don't know.
Besides, how about all the times prayer and belief comes up empty handed?

Telling us that a higher power is in complete control is difficult to understand, where does that leave us?
How do we grow or get stronger if we think someone or something is to to carry us every time we experience life's struggles?
Even if that struggle is life threatening, we have an inner strength and faith in our own abilities.
But movies like this and sermons on faith usually have little to do with self empowerment.

We find it troubling that people actually believe they are helpless without some higher power pulling the strings.