
Thursday, August 1, 2019

The More Trees We Are Surrounded By The Lower Our Stress Levels

Even though it’s something many of us already know, a recent study reveals how nature can help reduce stress levels. 
Researchers put people in stressful situations and then showed them 3-D videos of various “city”scapes, each with different densities of tree cover.
The thicker the tree-cover, the lower the subjects’ stress levels dropped.
The researchers, from the University of Illinois and the University of Hong Kong, subjected 160 participants to various stressful scenarios, including having them prepare to deliver a speech, or perform a math test, in front of judges and cameras.
Once the participants were fully stressed out, they viewed one of 10 six-minute videos of city streets that changed only in the amount of tree coverage, ranging from 0 to 70 percent.
What they found was the higher the density of trees, the lower the levels of stress the subjects reported. Inversely, the lower the density of trees, the less helpful the video was in helping the subject recover from stress.
The real story here is, spend as much time as you can surrounded trees. 
The Old Religion is the magic of Nature itself. It is the essence which binds all things together.