
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Jesus in Japan, Who Knew?

There seems to be an effort to rebrand or reintroduce Jesus these days, we thought we would help out, introducing another narrative found in Japan.

Ok, the story goes like this: in a small village, called Shingo in the north of Japan is where Jesus Christ lived and eventually died, leaving behind his descendants.
According to the story, Jesus travelled to Japan at the age of 21 to study theology, spent 12 years in the country during a period that's not written about in the New Testament.
After returning to Jerusalem, and getting into trouble with the Romans, he somehow convinced his younger brother Isukiri to face the trial and crucifixion. 
As Jesus skips town, no one notices it’s a different person and his younger brother dies on the cross instead. 

Jesus then fled back to Japan, which involved a four year journey spanning 6,000 miles.
He became known as Daitenku Taro Jurai to locals, and lived in Shingo in exile, growing garlic.
Jesus fell in love with a farmer's daughter called Miyuko, and they married and had three children.
He is believed to have died in the village at the age of 106.