Winter Solstice

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cats Can Heal Your Mind and Body

Cats are magical animals and they are far more ‘psychic’ than we realize. 
They protect our homes from negative energies and they are able to sense and see things that we as humans usually cannot.

Ancient Egyptians actually revered the cat as a Goddess. 

From ancient times and even now, cats are thought to be special. 

They tend to have this ability to make us happy with the minimal effort. 

Being around them is a wonderful way to reduce stress and their purring can often help a person get rid of their headache.

These animals seem to know when we are down or hurting. 

If you have a cat that is a bit more independent you have probably noticed that he or she tends to stay by your side when you are upset. 

Many believe that cats can easily predict future as they get to ‘know’ or can easily sense feelings. 

They certainly may not be able to completely protect you from all negativity but can certainly warn you if anything bad is to happen. 

There are times when you might have seen a cat behave weirdly as if something exists around or as if it is playing with something.

It has been observed that cats behave weirdly when they sense an unusual presence around them. 

It is even said that they do not like a place if they sense any negative presence there. 

Ancient Egyptian mythology that cats are blessed with the power to ward away evil spirits.