
Monday, November 22, 2021

Meet the author of Craft: How to Be a Modern Witch

Gabriela Herstik wants you to believe in magic. 
Not the abracadabra kind, but your own personal magick. 
In her first-ever book, Craft: How to Be a Modern Witch, Herstik completely demystifies modern-day witchcraft with a fresh, emboldened approach. 

She transforms witchcraft into an approachable form of self-care that can be practiced by anyone willing to learn. 

She says, Witchcraft is a nature-based spiritual path that works with magick and ritual, and honors the earth and her cycles (as well as honoring the cosmos). 

It often honors the divine feminine as well, though since witchcraft isn’t a religion for everyone.
 It means reclaiming our power as wise women, as healers, as magicians, as creators, witchcraft means reclaiming our magick. 
We do this through spells, through working with energy and the subtle body, through meditation and cleansings, through being conscious of the energy we give and receive, among many other things. 

Gaze at the moon, learn about what it means when she waxes and wanes, talk to the natural world, listen to your intuition, and believe in your own magick!