
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Get ready, it's the first ‘super blue blood moon eclipse’ in more than 150 years

AS A REMINDER...You are going be treated to a rare convergence of celestial events on 31 January—a blue moon, a supermoon, and a total lunar eclipse, all in one. The phenomenon, which hasn’t happened since 1866, graces the sky when the second full moon of the month (known as a blue moon) is in its closest position to Earth, making it appear even larger than usual—a supermoon. 
Unfortunately the UK will not witness the lunar eclipse because it will peak at 1.30pm GMT in the middle of day when the moon is not out. 
Western Europe, the west side of Africa and the east side of South America will not be able to see the lunar eclipse either.
But the USA, Canada, Asia and the eastern side of Europe will be fortunate enough to see the lunar eclipse.