
Saturday, April 22, 2023

What To Do About Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires are people who have allowed their vibration to become so low that they need to “feed off” another’s energy in order to function.
They do this by constantly seeking attention, reassurance and by creating a lot of drama.


They also like:
  • Playing the victim
  • Never taking responsibility for their actions
  • Getting their way using fear, guilt or manipulation
  • Complaining in order to get sympathy
  • Gossiping or creating drama
  • Not returning favors or giving back
  • Responding from their ego
We depend on our energy levels,so when our energy is constantly depleted and is not restored, it weakens our vibration.

You can usually spot an Energy Vampire by the way that you feel when you are around them.
Often you will feel very drained or depleted of energy and you may also feel physical symptoms like headaches or even stress and anxiety when you are around them.
You may also feel:
  • A sudden nausea or stomach ache after or before the interaction
  • Pains around the back, chest, neck and shoulders
  • A throbbing headache or feeling “out of it”
  • Feeling irritable, frustrated or angry for no real reason
  • Being on edge or feeling like there is a heavy dark cloud over you
  • Having unpleasant dreams about the person
  • Anxiety, stress or guilt for no apparent reason
  • Tightness in the chest or a shortness of breath
  • Feeling intuitively uncomfortable around this person
  • You feel fearful, unworthy, are unhappy
If you feel two or more of these symptoms after interacting with an individual, it could be that you are experiencing an attack which allows the Energy Vampire to drain your energy.

No one can take your energy unless you allow them to.
You have the ability to create your own positive energy force as you remain aware of what is happening and no one will be able to drain you of your energy or effect the way you feel.

If you do feel that you are surrounded by Energy Vampires here is what you can do to protect yourself.

Set firm boundaries and assert yourself when appropriate.
Distance yourself from the person.
Recite positive mantras and keep your thoughts positive.
Keep your aura clear, clean and strong.
Wear a protective crystal.
Sage your surroundings or yourself at the end of the day.
Avoid prolonged eye contact.
Learn not to react, stay neutral.

Energy Vampires like to dominate control over others. 
If you feel this happening, take a step back and remind yourself, even though you may have been pulled off course you can refocus and return to your path.
Take a deep breath, center yourself. 
Do not allow them to bring you down to their level.