
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Full Moon is Coming

Many (but not all) covens and individual witches celebrate an esbat (or minor sabbat) every month, under the full moon, 
or a few nights preceding it, while the moon is waxing full.
For some, it can be more of a gathering, celebration, social get-together. For others, it is a time to convene for the purpose of magic,
 to worship, or to simply take time to re-attune with nature, the world, the divine.
In the Charge of the Goddess, it says:
... once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place ...

In many traditions, the waxing or full moon is a time of positive energies and a time for positive works.
Works of protection, healing, growth and prosperity, are more likely to succeed and carry more strength when performed under the full or waxing moon.