
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Beltane Is Coming


Beltane is a Fire Festival. The word 'Beltane' originates from the Celtic God 'Bel', meaning 'the bright one' and the Gaelic word 'teine' meaning fire. 
Together they make 'Bright Fire', or 'Goodly Fire' and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun's light to nurture the emerging future harvest and protect the community. 
Bel had to be won over through human effort. 
Traditionally all fires in the community were put out and a special fire was kindled for Beltane. 
"This was the Tein-eigen, the need fire. 
People jumped the fire to purify, cleanse and to bring fertility. 
Couples jumped the fire together to pledge themselves to each other. 
Cattle and other animals were driven through the smoke as a protection from disease and to bring fertility. 
At the end of the evening, the villagers would take some of the Teineigen to start their fires anew." 
(From Sacred Celebrations by Glennie Kindred) Green Man - Beltane


May Day, still celebrated is all about welcoming Summer. The Germanic Pagans celebrated the night before by lighting a bonfire, and dancing around a Maypole which symbolized a big throbbing Schwanz.

The night before May Day, known as Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night) is celebrated by German Pagan Folk band Faun, and they do it beautifully.


The Video by Faun proves that Paganism is alive and well.

May Day, still celebrated is all about welcoming Summer. The Germanic Pagans celebrated the night before by lighting a bonfire, and dancing around a Maypole which symbolized a big throbbing Schwanz.

The night before May Day, known as Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night) is celebrated by German Pagan Folk band Faun, and they do it beautifully.

Faun’s “Walpurgisnacht” of German Pagans coming out to celebrate goes like this:

“In den Abendhimmel steigen 
Heute Nacht die Zauberweisen
Wildes Volk und Liliths Art
Lauernd Winde heimlich fahrt

Lasst uns zu den Feuern streifen
Raunend nach den Sternen greifen
Gutes und auch böses Wort
Tragen wir heut fort und fort”

In the sky tonight
The witches rise
Wild Folk and Lilith's kind
Lurking, secretly riding the winds

Let us wander to the fires
Whispering, reaching for the stars
Both the good and the bad word
We carry on and on tonight

An English translation really doesn't do justice to how poetic this sounds in German. But as you listen you can feel the music.

The very beginning has this nice drum rhythm that lets you know you’re in for something special. Then after the vocalists do some beautiful harmonizing, they move into the chorus.

“Hört die Geigen, hört die Geigen,
Die Feuer sind entfacht
Folgt dem Reigen, folgt dem Reigen
In der Walpurgisnacht”

Hear the violins, hear the violins
The fires are ignited
Follow the dance, follow the dance
In the Walpurgisnacht

As we, in the Northern Hemisphere will be celebrating Beltane, 
our Brothers & Sisters in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating Samhain.