
Friday, March 24, 2017

Question Everything


If we ever need another reminder of how bad theology can be toxic, this exchange speaks volumes, as a state reps apparently thinks that rape could be part of God's big plan, even if it "may not be the best thing that ever happened." (yes, this is an actual quote)

Excerpt: During questions, Stillwater Democrat Cory Williams asked why the bill does not include some of the more common exceptions allowed in anti-abortion legislation.

When questioned, “You won't make any exceptions for rape. You won't make any exceptions for incest, and you are proffering divine intervention as a reason why you won't do that,” Williams said. “I think it is very important (to know), do you believe rape and incest are actually the will of God?”

After a brief pause, (Muskogee Republican George) Faught replied.

“Obviously if it happens in someone's life, it may not be the best thing that ever happened,” he said, adding that he disagrees with the assertion that God is not sovereign in every aspect of life.