
Friday, October 20, 2023

Choose Your Battles Wisely

Imagine a life where there were no challenges or battles to be waged.
What if everything went your way and everyone cooperated?

Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen, so let's get back to the real world.

Most of our biggest battles are often with ourselves.
Then of course with others, friends and foes alike, so let's talk about both.
Not every battle has to be fought.
Not every battle has to be won.
We don’t always have to have the last word.


Sometimes it's best to quietly walk away...



To fight battles with others choose only the ones that are important, not allowing the battle to drain you.
Fighting battles for the sake of fighting is a waste of time and energy and creates so much negativity.

To overcome battles with yourself it's important to accept who you are. If you need to make adjustments or changes in your life, then take it step by step, but accept that you are a work in progress. 
We all make mistakes, it's what people do.
We can also learn from these mistakes, regardless of what they are.
If we are going to win any of life's battles it's vital to move on from our mistakes and be self accepting.
We won't be in a position to win many battles if we aren't grounded, accepting who and what we are.

As we learn to accept and forgive ourselves, the battles with others diminish or become less important.


Our last thought on this is communication.
Very often (not always) battles can be resolved through communication.
So, clearing the air just might be the solution.