
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Halloween Pet Safety


Because cats continue to have a bad reputation this time of year, it puts them at risk in terms of their physical safety if they’re allowed outdoors. Cats, and most especially black cats, are targets of cruelty. 
Many shelters won’t even adopt out black cats during October just to prevent the potential for abuse. 
If you allow your cat to go out, please begin to bring them indoors.
At the very least, cats should be kept indoors starting a few days before Halloween and continuing for a few days after. If you have a black cat, we recommend keeping your pet indoors at least a week before Halloween. Of course, we wished all cats were indoors exclusively, but if you do have an indoor/outdoor cat and don’t intend on permanently changing his lifestyle, at least consider the safety risks during this specific holiday where cats have historically been the targets of cruelty.