
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Trees Are Living Things

Sadly, the Philippine nation has seen the unbelievable cutting down of 100 year old trees.
Government characters only care about the money that they would get from such destruction and not the massacre of hundreds of trees and the devastating loss to the environment.


The Pagan Kitchen salutes the protesters who have stepped in to make  a difference.
We want people to be aware of the greed and selfishness of political opportunists who could care less about nature or about you.

Trees are living things, trees consumes resources, gives off waste, grows, reproduces, and dies. All the qualities of life.
We actually heard someone say, "if trees are so smart, why don't they talk?"
We think they do, we just don't know how to listen, besides, there are a lot of people who talk who say nothing.
Someone once asked us that if trees were so important, how many hospitals have they built?
"How stupid", we responded, "how many wars have they started?"