
Thursday, September 8, 2016

The 4 Thieves and the Plague

While there may not be one exact version of the story, there is one thing certain, the Bubonic Plague was a killing machine.
But during the plague four thieves went from house to house to rob those who had died from the illness, but they remained healthy.
After the thieves were captured and tried for the robberies, a judge offered to make a deal if they would explain how they were able to be around the sick but not be affected by the illness. 

If you look at the photo above, with the bird looking creature, it's interesting, that during the time of the plague in Europe, physicians wore long black robes, wide brimmed hats, and masks that appeared to have a beak. The reason for doing this is that the masks contained a combination of herbs, spices, and essential oils that the physicians would breathe in order to keep themselves safe from those While there are a few versions of the story they all center around one event, the Bubonic

So what did the thieves do to avoid the plague and what were the herbs, spices, and essential oils used in the masks of the physicians?

What we do know is that the powerful combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, and rosemary has been found to be strong enough to reduce bacterial cultures by 99.96%.