
Saturday, January 6, 2024

Why We Don’t Watch The News

All day long,  24 hours a day, millions of people all over the world are watching, listening or reading the news. 
They have convinced themselves that all this news will help them be more informed, of what we don't know, but just better informed.

The Pagan Kitchen has decided that the media is dumbing us down, telling us what they think is important, expecting us to numbly follow.
Actually, what they broadcast 24 hours a day is a negative influence on our emotional and physical well-being and none of it will change our lives for the better.

We ask, "Have you ever heard at least one piece of the news that helped you feel more confident, more secure or more positive about yourself?"
You're not alone if you can't think of any.
Most news stories have little to do with us, they are usually pointless, void of anything positive or informative.
The media are also masters of misinformation as you can see from the photo below.


The Pagan Kitchen has come to the conclusion that every time you watch or read the news, you’re filling your mind with fear, lies, anxiety and negativity and that is only going to lower your vibrations and happiness.

By watching horrible events that we have no control over, we suffer.
We become depressed, anxious and fearful.
As that suffering festers we become angry, pessimistic and frustrated, because we can do nothing to make a difference. 
As we sit and watch the news showing the same horror over and over, It makes us feel powerless and helpless. 

Paganism is about self empowerment, it's reconnecting with nature so we can reconnect with ourselves.
You can't do any of that glued to the bombardment of the media, that includes the social media as well.

Someone once said "Don’t watch the news. If there’s anything you need to know, someone will call you and tell you about it.''

The point is: big media news is irrelevant to you. 
But people seem unable to recognize what's relevant, it's much easier to identify what's sensational and outrageous.

These repetitive news stories don't even scratch the surface of a deeper world. 
These stories will not help you understand the world or yourself.

Self discovery is below the surface of a deeper world. 
Knowing who you are is more important than the media trying to manipulate and define us.

UPDATE: Obsessively watching the news can make you mentally and physically sick

Just another reason we hardly watch the news, it can be very bad for your health, according to a new study from researchers at Texas Tech University.

They found that people who obsessively follow the news are more likely to suffer from both physical and mental health problems, including anxiety and stress.

Those who constantly check the latest headlines end up with “significantly greater physical ill-being” than those who tune in less often, according to the findings. 

Obsessing with the news has a negative impact on people’s personal lives, leaving them feeling powerless and distressed about global events including the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and climate change.

Witnessing these events unfold in the news can bring about a constant state of high alert in some people, kicking their surveillance motives into overdrive and making the world seem like a dark and dangerous place,” says Bryan McLaughlin, associate professor of advertising at the College of Media and Communication at Texas Tech University, in a media release.